
How to uninstall avast antivirus in windows xp
How to uninstall avast antivirus in windows xp

how to uninstall avast antivirus in windows xp

While a paid option exists, Revo Uninstaller Free should be able to search for and remove all Avast files and entries from your PC. If this doesn’t work (or you just don’t trust Avast at this stage), then there are third-party alternatives you can try instead.įor instance, you can remove Windows software using tools like Revo Uninstaller, which will search for and clean up Avast files from your PC. This means you can feel safe in knowing that, even if you can’t uninstall Avast using Windows Settings, you should be safe to use the Avast uninstall utility to remove it instead. While it’s not unfair to have privacy concerns about Avast, it still remains a sizable company in the PC security market, with its software regularly tested by third-party researchers. Using Third-Party Software Removal Tools to Remove Avast

How to uninstall avast antivirus in windows xp