
Autodesk revit for mac os x
Autodesk revit for mac os x

autodesk revit for mac os x

PS - funny, back in the early 2000's I created a literal switch for Dual boot options when testing new Windows OS's. Now imagine what being in a more restrictive environment & "decreased capabilities" will cause (even now what business does Revit LT have being in a top notch Professional Firm.NONE).I feel the Laws of Capitalism is up against the wall on this one. Autodesk will never oblige/compromise on Revit, IMHO, as even now they get tons of flack on routes to go to currently improve Revit. Now if you look at the business model Apple has today for 3rd party software/app development for their "ecosystem". Even Bill Gates was hired to help solve Apple's hardware to software issues in the 80's-90's, Bill & Steve were actually great friends. Apple started as purely a Hardware Co with A dedicated OS & then dabbled with software, which Microsoft started as purely a Software Co & then dabbling into hardware solutions. Comparing Boot Camp to a Windows PC it's almost Night & Day too if it's an iMac & not a PC Tower using Mac OS.įYI.

autodesk revit for mac os x autodesk revit for mac os x

What is it with hiring "Experts", then not listening & telling them what to do at that, but I digress (Aaron know's what I'm talking about, lol), but I accepted the challenge. The firm (a "late" adopter) I'm currently with (Senior members) are total Fanatics for Apple, but very soon after had to swallow the Red Pill I showed them & do as I said from the get Go (get as much of the production staff on PC's). I can attest that Revit in Parallels sucks ballz, & also if you play your Cards right with the VMWare setup, it can be worlds better (a better bottom line with increasing users).

Autodesk revit for mac os x